Mistakes Every Restaurant Consultant Should Avoid

Mistakes Every Restaurant Consultant Should Avoid

Many restaurant owners owe the success of their restaurant to a consultant. A restaurant consultant can help improve existing operations, guide a restaurant owner through the opening of a new restaurant, or help with restaurant management. A restaurant consultant can play a vital role in the long-term success of a restaurant. But as with any […]

How to Raise Prices Without Alienating Price Conscious Guests

How to Raise Prices Without Alienating Price Conscious Guests

Most entrepreneurs don’t enjoy raising their prices. This is no different in the restaurant industry. There is the ever-present concern that you will lose customers when you increase your prices. There are also many things to consider when raising your prices. You’ll want to know what your competition is doing, how the timing of the […]

Veterans Feeding Body and Soul

Veterans Feeding Body and Soul

Today we’d like to bring you four brief stories of vets who share more in common than their military service. The common thread that binds them is their passion for the restaurant industry. Each of these vets and their restaurants’ stand as a striking example of what true service can mean; not just on the […]